Monday, September 1, 2008

More than just a photo....

Ive had a great journey, the Lord has been with me the whole time, taught me stuff too...and brought great people across my path...

Introducing Larry above^^ I took off one day in San Fran to get some shots, i was taking one photo of a roof top blocky and then heard a voice say "how about me" I said ok and took some shots of Larry with his lotto ticket...
Hes 59 and been on the streets for 25 years, his eyes were thick broke me to see a man like that, he said he would seek help one day......I hope


PHEDS said...

hey bro that flick with MSK is priceless... what a magic wall...
can you email me

Unknown said...
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E-H Life said...

Man had really enjoyed reading the stuff you guys did!!! Was inspiring! I wanna do stuff out southside!

Saves said...

sweet phedsta..
Yeah sis time to GO aye :)